Genetic tests

Full name Analytes Gene panels Disease Laboratory
Hypercholesterolemia (9 genes) LDLR, APOB, PCSK9, ABCG5, ABCG8, APOE, LDLRAP1, LIPA, STAP1 Hypercholesterolemia (9 genes) - UCL Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Hypercholesterolemia, Familial (Gene Panel) LDLR, APOB, APOE, PCSK9, LDLRAP1 Familial Hypercholesterolemia (9 genes) - IPG Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia Centre de Génétique-Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique (IPG)
Hypercholesterolemia, Familial (9 genes) LDLR, APOB, APOE, PCSK9, ABCG5, ABCG8, LDLRAP1, LIPA, STAP1 Familial Hypercholesterolemia panel (9 genes) - ULG Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (NON RARE IN EUROPE), Sitosterolemia, Cholesteryl ester storage disease Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
Hypercholesterolemia, Familial (4 genes) LDLR, APOB, APOE, PCSK9 Familial Hypercholesterolemia panel (4 genes) - KUL Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL
Resistance to vitamin K antagonists - VKORC1 sequencing (all exons ) - Pharmacogenetics VKORC1 Resistance to vitamin K antagonists, Prediction of resistance to vitamin K antagonists Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Vitamin K antagonists toxicity or dose selection - VKORC1 genotyping (-1639G>A + 1173C>T) - Pharmacogenetics VKORC1 Vitamin K antagonists toxicity or dose selection, Prediction of toxicity or dose selection of vitamin K antagonists Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Deficiency of Vitamin K-Dependent Clotting Factors VKORC1, GGCX Hereditary combined deficiency of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Gent