Genetic tests

Full name Analytes Gene panels Disease Laboratory
Susceptibility to pancreatitis induced by thiopurine immunosuppressants Azathioprine or 6-mercatopurine toxicity or dose selection Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase deficiency - TPMT genotyping of 3 polymorphisms - Pharmacogenetics TPMT Azathioprine or 6-mercatopurine toxicity or dose selection Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL
TPMT and NUDT15 sequencing - Pharmacogenetics TPMT, NUDT15 Cisplatin toxicity, Azathioprine or 6-mercatopurine toxicity or dose selection Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase deficiency - TPMT genotyping c.238G>C (rs1800462); c.460G>A (rs1800460); c.719A>G (rs1142345)) - Pharmacogenetics TPMT Azathioprine or 6-mercatopurine toxicity or dose selection Centre de Génétique-Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique (IPG)
Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase deficiency - TPMT genotyping c.238G>C (rs1800462); c.460G>A (rs1800460); c.719A>G (rs1142345)) - Pharmacogenetics TPMT Azathioprine or 6-mercatopurine toxicity or dose selection Centre de Génétique Humaine - Erasme ULB
Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase deficiency - TPMT genotyping - TPMT*2/ TPMT*3A/3B/3C - Pharmacogenetics TPMT Azathioprine or 6-mercatopurine toxicity or dose selection Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
Capillary malformation - arteriovenous malformation (2 genes) RASA1, EPHB4 Capillary/arteriovenous malformation (2 genes) - UCL, Vascular malformations (germline) (38 genes) - UCL Capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation, Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation, Parkes Weber syndrome Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Arteriovenous malformation (gene panel) Arteriovenous malformation (7 genes), Vascular malformations (germline) (38 genes) - UCL Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension, Familial cerebral saccular aneurysm, Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation, Segmental outgrowth-lipomatosis-arteriovenous malformation-epidermal nevus syndrome, Capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation, Parkes Weber syndrome, Microcephaly-capillary malformation syndrome Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL