Genetic tests

Full name Analytes Gene panels Disease Laboratory
Lissencephaly / subcortical band heterotopia PAFAH1B1 Lissencephaly due to LIS1 mutation, Subcortical band heterotopia Centre de Génétique-Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique (IPG)
Lissencephaly (LIS1 gene) PAFAH1B1 Lissencephaly due to LIS1 mutation Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Brussel VUB
Malformations of cortical development (235 genes) Malformations of cortical development (235 genes) - VUB Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria, Cobblestone lissencephaly without muscular or ocular involvement, Lissencephaly due to LIS1 mutation, Lissencephaly due to TUBA1A mutation, Lissencephaly syndrome, Norman-Roberts type, Lissencephaly type 1 due to doublecortin gene mutation, Microlissencephaly, Polymicrogyria due to TUBB2B mutation, Subcortical band heterotopia, X-linked lissencephaly with abnormal genitalia Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Brussel VUB
Gilbert syndrome (homozygous A(TA)7TAA allele) UGT1A1 Gilbert syndrome (NON RARE IN EUROPE) Centre de Génétique-Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique (IPG)
Gilbert syndrome / Irinotecan sensitivity (homozygous A(TA)7TAA allele) - Pharmacogenetics UGT1A1 Gilbert syndrome (NON RARE IN EUROPE), Irinotecan toxicity Centre de Génétique Humaine - Erasme ULB
Gilbert disease / Irinotecan sensitivity / Raltegravir toxicity - Pharmacogenetics UGT1A1 Gilbert syndrome (NON RARE IN EUROPE), Irinotecan toxicity Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
Gilbert syndrome / Irinotecan sensitivity (homozygous A(TA)7TAA allele) UGT1A1 Gilbert syndrome (NON RARE IN EUROPE), Irinotecan toxicity, Transient familial neonatal hyperbilirubinemia Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL