Genetic tests

Full name Analytes Gene panels Disease Laboratory
Resistance to clopidrogel - PON1 genotyping (Q192R) - Pharmacogenetics Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Somatic analysis of the BRCA genes in the context of ovarian cancer treatment (BRCA1; BRCA2 genes) BRCA1, BRCA2 Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
Metastatic Breast or Pancreatic or Prostate Cancer BRCA1, BRCA2 Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL
Myeloid/lymphoid neoplasms with germline predisposition Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
Erythrocytoses, polycythémies, thrombocytoses et neutropénies congénitales (gene panel) Erythocyoses, polycythémies, thrombocytoses congénitales (gene panel) - ULG Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
TPMT*2,*3A, *3B, *3C, *3D, *4 - drug metabolism - Pharmacogenetics TPMT Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
MTHFR c.677C>T et c.1298A>C -drug metabolism - Pharmacogenetics MTHFR Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Somatic analysis of the BRCA genes in the context of ovarian cancer treatment (2 genes) BRCA1, BRCA2 Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Gent
Breast Cancer Trial BRCA1, BRCA2 Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL
41 pharmacogenes analysis pharmacogenes analysis Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Somatic analysis of the BRCA genes (2 genes) BRCA1, BRCA2 Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL
Breast cancer, hereditary (gene panel) Extended Breast Cancer Panel (26 gene) - VUB Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Brussel VUB
Somatic analysis of the BRCA genes in the context of ovarian cancer treatment (2 genes) BRCA1, BRCA2 Centre de Génétique-Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique (IPG)
5-fluorouracil toxicity - DPYD genotyping (4 hot spot mutations - DPYD*2A, DPYD*13, D949V, HapB3) - Pharmacogenetics DPYD 5-fluorouracil toxicity Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
5-fluorouracil (5-FU) toxicity - DPYD sequencing (all exons) - Pharmacogenetics DPYD 5-fluorouracil toxicity Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Abacavir toxicity (HLA-B*57:01 genotyping) - Pharmacogenetics HLA-B Abacavir toxicity Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Brussel VUB
Abacavir toxicity (HLA-B*57:01 genotyping) - Pharmacogenetics HLA-B Abacavir toxicity Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Gent
Abacavir toxicity (HLA-B*57:01 genotyping) - Pharmacogenetics HLA-B Abacavir toxicity Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
CYP2C19*2,*3,*17 genotyping - drug metabolism - Pharmacogenetics CYP2C19 Antidepressant or antipsychotic toxicity or dose selection, Resistance to clopidogrel, Voriconazole toxicity Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL