Genetic tests

Full name Analytes Gene panels Disease Laboratory
Small cell carcinoma of the ovary SMARCA4 Small cell carcinoma of the ovary Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Gent
Rare non-epithelial ovarian neoplasms (2 genes) DICER1, SMARCA4 Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, Malignant Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of the ovary, Maligant granulosa cell tumor of the ovary Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL
Rhabdoid Tumor Predisposition Syndrome (SMARCA4; SMARCB1 genes) SMARCB1, SMARCA4 Rhabdoid tumor predisposition syndrome Centrum Menselijke Erfelijkheid - KUL
Breast and Ovarian Cancer, HBOC, Familial (17 genes) BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, PALB2, CHEK2, ATM, BRIP1, RAD51C, RAD51D, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, BARD1, CDH1, EPCAM, PMS2, PTEN Hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer syndrome Centre de Génétique Médicale UCL
Breast and Ovarian Cancer, hereditary, HBOC, Familial (gene panel) BRCA1, BRCA2, PALB2, TP53, CHEK2, ATM, BRIP1, RAD51C, RAD51D, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, BARD1 Breast/ ovarian cancer (12 genes) - UZA Hereditary breast cancer, Hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer syndrome Centrum Medische Genetica - UZ Antwerpen
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer, HBOC (13 genes) BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, PALB2, CHEK2, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, BRIP1, BARD1, RAD51C, RAD51D, ATM Breast cancer, hereditary (13 genes) - ULG Hereditary breast cancer, Hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer syndrome Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman
Hereditary cancer (Breast, ovary, colon) (26 genes) BRCA1, BRCA2, BARD1, BRIP1, CDH1, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, MEN1, PTEN, RAD50, RAD51D, STK11, TP53, CHEK2, MUTYH, PALB2, RAD51C, ATM, EPCAM, BLM, NBN, PMS2, XRCC2, ABRAXAS1, MRE11 Cancer (Breast, ovary, colon,…) (26 genes) - ULG Centre de Génétique Humaine - CHU Sart-Tilman